Jul 26

Conveyancing quotes


If you are buying or selling a house, flat or other property in the UK you will most likely need the services of a conveyancer to deal with the legal aspects of the transaction. With many firms offering conveyancing services it can be difficult to know which one will provide you with the best service.

We recommend you exercise caution when applying for a conveyancing quotation and being attracted to the lowest price quote. You should ensure that any fixed-fee quote gives full details of any associated or additional costs, which some providers add on during the course of the conveyancing transaction.

Quotations given by JC Solicitors Chichester and Alton are fully transparent – there no hidden extras. We do not make additional charges for photocopying, postage or administrative tasks. Nor do we charge any additional fees for acting for a lender or the completion and submission of the stamp duty land tax return on a purchase.

JC Solicitors conveyancing team are fully qualified professionals and registered with the Law Society’s Conveyancing Quality Scheme (CQS). Your matter will be dealt with by the same conveyancer and you will have direct dial access to them from start to finish. We offer a complimentary standard single Will with every completed conveyancing transaction too.

It is your choice who you instruct to act on your behalf on your sale or purchase, so do make sure all costs are made clear to you from the outset as well as the level of service you can expect to receive.